Monday, June 24, 2013

BBQ Season . . .

With the fourth of July upon us means grilling parties with friends and family. This also brings out the snacks that my not be fueling our body. Yes, I call it life and having a few treats over the holiday is fine but meal after meal it can catch up with you.
Here are a few fun grilling options for you to prepare for your next BBQ!
Remember if the dish you bring to share is a clean recipe then you know you will have
atleast one option to help keep you on track.
You will notice a pattern of many veggies for each meal.

Chicken Foil Packet:
(you can put this together a few hours before)
Cut up chicken into 1inch pieces, then cut up for favorite veggies, pictured above is
cabbage and brussels sprouts, then add coconut oil and Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb. Seal up your
foil packet and cook until chicken is cooked thru.
Once plated I love to top with Dijon Mustard.  

Shrimp and Veggies
In a foil or a grilling basket place your favorite veggies, I have mushrooms, brussels sprouts, and
green beans. In a separate foils Add Shrimp and coconut oil. 

Salmon and veggies.
Take a fresh Salmon run salt and pepper and olive oil on both sides.
Cut up Carrots, Zucchini and Cabbage, add garlic and coconut oil, seal up in foil.
Grill Salmon on each side until cooked thru.

Left over lunch: Chicken Salads
The night before I grilled extra Chicken for our salads for lunch.
I chopped up Romaine, Sweet peppers, tomato, carrots, avocado and crated a delicious fresh salad!
My hubby love this salad!!
When pre paring for your next BBQ think protein and veggies, you may have a new creation every time.  Grilling is not just about Brats and Hamburgers.