Sunday, August 30, 2015

Not Perfect!

I must confess I try and I try to be a better blogger. I have some much to share yet it is hard to some time sit down and put it all into words. Thank you for being patience with my blogging skills. However if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you will notice I am way more consistent with a quick photo! I will not give up at this because I know I have so much to give. 

So much of our Journey is about personal development. Many of us start with having the desire to loose weight and feel good about ourselves each day then it all becomes so much more. For me yes I started with wanting to end my yo-yo dieting cycle and it turned into wanting to be a better friend, wife, mother and wanting to share this new found passion. 

"Life is a journey. You find yourself to reach the top of one Mountain only to find another mountian there waiting to climb"

As a woman we try to do it all yet it is the complete wrong way of going about our days. We also over use the word busy it is almost like it is our way to brag or has a status.  

This last Thursday night while talking with my husband just before bed, he asked me why I am so stressed out, because I got so much done that day? I replied "It was just so much, yes I got a ton done but the list goes on and on. However the kids played so nice today"  He replied "Well then you need to focus on that and be grateful for that!"  WOW can I say he was so right?  This has had me really thinking! 

We need to stop trying to be SUPER WOMAN and focus on what is important. Creating a list of our 3 top things that need to get done each day could be way more beneficial. Then find Gratitude in it all. As I have been taught by one of my beautiful mentors Lori Harder, it is being in constant Gratitude that brings us in the present moment. 

So I guess my point of this post is . . . 

1. We cannot and will never be perfect at the things we do, even if I love blogging and sharing with you. I may not be consistent and perfect and that is ok.
2. We must remove the word "BUSY" from our vocabulary and just find constant daily Gratitude in our lives. 
3. When planning our day focus on the 3 most important things that need to be completed. Know the rest will fall into place. 

Thank you as my friend and follower to my blog for understanding my passion yet being patience with my not always writing a blog. Fall is near and with that brings a routine to life, I hope you will be hearing from me more soon! 

I would love to hear form you, feel free to comment your feels about being perfect, being too busy and always feeling the stress of a to-do list! 

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