Sunday, November 3, 2013

Many people ask why I supplement?

For 7 years I was a yo-yo dieter. During this time I fluctuated within 12 to 15 pounds.  Many of us try different diets or add exercise into our daily routine to release weight, but sometimes these changes only last so long. We find it hard when we either get busy, travel, or have weekends away.  These are events that always seem to revolve around food and derail us from our goals.  80% of how you look and feel is from what you put into your body. 

I was introduced to supplements just over two years ago and have not looked back since. Here are my top 3 favorite reasons why my family and I supplement?

1. Busy; We are all very busy. It is very important to eat every three hours to keep your metabolism going. By feeding your body a high quality protein you will burn more fat and build lean muscle. In our busy lives it can be difficult to always have healthy options ready! Now I replace 2 of my 5 daily meals with a full meal replacement shake. When I am traveling for business or running around to my kids events I can make a shake no matter where I am. This helps me stay on track.

2. Clean Eating; My family and I eat clean.  This means removing processed foods and eating more of whole lean foods. When I eat 5 times a day and need a protein and vegetable in each small meal, sometimes the thought of all that planning and preparation is overwhelming. When we get overwhelmed then we tend to just quit. This is where my supplements come in.  2 of my meals are already prepped and of the best quality!

3. Our Soils are Depleted; The nutrition even in our fresh foods are not as nutrient dense a they were years ago. For an example, there is a study that shows how you would need to eat 50 bowls of spinach today to get the equal nutritional value from 1 bowl in the 1950's.  By having the best supplements in your diet you can give your body the nutrition it needs on a daily basis.

Before you start to supplement you may want to look at your options. Do your research! Find a company that has integrity. Talk to others and hear their testimonials.  Please feel free to message me your questions.   Nichole:

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